var tipsArray=['Remember to turn on threaded replies for a discussion thread to allow unlimited branching of replies.','View all of your student’s submissions in one place by navigating to the People section, then click the Gear button, and clicking Student Interactions Report.','Sort students in the SpeedGrader by whether or not they were graded for an assignment.','Schedule your announcement posts by selecting the Delay posting option in your announcement settings.','Download the Canvas Mobile app to manage your course on the go.','To create the same discussion for all groups in a group set, create the discussion from the main course discussion board, then select Make this a group discussion.','Send a message to all students who have not submitted an assignment from the gradebook.','Want a file to automatically Display on a Canvas page? Enable inline preview.','Need to add a different due date or availability to an assignment for a student(s)? Click ‘Add+’ under due dates when editing the assignment.','Declutter the course menu by including all assignments in modules and hiding the assignment link (Also applies to discussions).','If you accidentally delete something in your canvas course, just add "/undelete" to the end of your course URL to restore the most recent 25 items.'];var randomTip=tipsArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*tipsArray.length)];document.getElementById('dept-brand').innerHTML='

Canvas Tip: '+randomTip+'

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Dr. Natasha Boskic
Senior Manager, Learning Design

Natasha Boskic manages the Educational Technology Support team. Her main areas of engagement are technology-enhanced learning, instructional design, and professional development. Her specific areas of focus are online collaboration and communication strategies, student engagement, and different delivery models and culturally-responsive instruction. She has managed various projects in the area of eLearning, locally in Canada and internationally, including ePortfolio implementation, accessibility issues, Aboriginal education, mobile technologies, and others.


Sharon Hu
Instructional Designer/Media Specialist

Sharon Hu helps instructors design, develop and deliver online courses, and manages projects from proposal to readiness for course delivery. She also delivers staff and faculty learning initiatives in online and blended learning environments and supports the planning of educational programs.


Ian Linkletter
Learning Technology Specialist

Ian Linkletter supports learning technologies in the Faculty of Education, including research, analysis, and implementation of new initiatives. He works closely with faculty to evaluate and select technology to help achieve learning objectives. Ian helps design, develop, and support online courses.


Yvonne Dawydiak
Technology Integration Specialist,
Adjunct Teaching Professor and FA of the Personalized Learning and Technology cohort

Yvonne has worked at UBC since September 2013 supporting TCs and Faculty with technology integration. She hosts weekly "Sandbox Session" seminars in Scarfe 155 (Ed. Library). Follow her Digital Sandbox blog at


Connect Demo Course
