Antiracism and Education

Viewpoints Discussion Series

Antiracism and Education


Dr. Bathseba Opini, Assistant Professor, EDST
Andratesha Fritzgerald, EdS, Director of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation for the East Cleveland (OH) City School Districts


Helen DeWaard, Learning Designer, ETS
Faeyza Mufti, Learning Design Manager, ETS

Join us for our fourth event in the Viewpoints discussion series.

This ETS Viewpoints panel discussion is a response to the call to action shared by Santa J. Ono to “work to model a different kind of community — one where we embrace difference and work to build each other up while enacting values of dignity, mutual respect and justice” and is an effort to open wider conversations about racism, while encouraging people to educate themselves on anti-racism work. It is not enough to acknowledge that racism exists and that antiracism strategies are necessary but as educators and citizens we must act. This session is grounded on the three pillars [Inclusivity, Accessibility, and Indigeneity] that are foundational to ETS and PDCE, and are reflective of the values embedded into the University strategic plans.

This session will bring diverse voices together to share viewpoints on how antiracism can be infused into course designs, where conversations can become springboards for meaningful action. As stated on the UBC Equity and Inclusion website: “Anti-racism work is not a one-time action, but a life-long commitment.”

Visit the topic page for this session on the Viewpoints website!