Beyond Canvas: Make it with Media

This is a make and take session, studio style. Bring your course syllabus or media making experiences. Be prepared to share your media making and course design ideas and questions.

The UBC learning management system (Canvas) can be described as a walled garden, where learning is secure and enclosed. But UBC has an abundance of technologies to use and integrate into your course, whether it’s online or in face-to-face places. These technologies can take you and your students safely outside of the walled learning spaces in Canvas.

When considering the course design, it’s often difficult to figure out what technologies are the best fit for student learning or how to incorporate them into the course. This session will give you time to explore technologies as you think critically about integrating new media making technologies, such as the ones listed on CTLT technologies page. Let’s peek over the Canvas walls, or even consider building a gate to step through, figuratively speaking.

Facilitators: Helen DeWaard, Ka-Yee Chu