Technology in Transit

Technology in Transit is a space for teacher candidates to showcase and raise awareness of different teaching and learning technologies that they have been actively using. The one-hour lunch period session offers people the capacity to drop in and engage with the learning technology as they walk by the Scarfe foyer during their lunch break.

This month’s topic is Kidblog, built by teachers, for teachers, so students can get the most out of the writing process. The goal is to empower teachers to embrace the benefits of the coming digital revolution in education. As students become creators – not just consumers – of information, we recognize the crucial role of teachers as discussion moderators and content curators in the classroom. With Kidblog, teachers monitor and control all activity within their classroom blogging community.

Session Information:

  • February 26, 2014, 12:00 noon-1:00PM in the Scarfe Foyer.
  • This session is open to all Education students, faculty, and staff.

Presenter Biographies:

SofiaKristani Sofia Kristani: I am an Elementary Teacher Candidate, who focuses on Personalized Learning and Technology. I have obtained an undergraduate degree with a Major in Economics and a Minor in Political Science from Simon Fraser University. I am passionate about teaching young children different funds of knowledge. I like traveling around the world as well as traveling through different cultures.


ManpreetDhinsa Manpreet Dhinsa: I am currently an Elementary Teacher Candidate focusing on Personalized Learning and Technology. I have previously obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the University of British Columbia. I am looking forward to exploring new ways in which to integrate technology into classroom settings that will enhance the learning experience for students.