Technology in Transit

Student-led lunchtime presentation showcasing cool projects they are working on.
October 8, 2014
Scarfe foyer, 12-1pm

Drop by to see Duncan McDonald and Dustin Herbison showcase a small sumo robot, devices controlled by micro controllers, and other fascinating ideas that you could use in your math, physics, computers, arts or science classes to engage your students in creative projects.

Presenter Bios:

DuncanMcDonaldDuncan McDonald: I am a Technology Teacher candidate at UBC. I have a history degree from SFU. I have a Technology Teacher Education Diploma from BCIT. I have a background in construction and teaching ESL. I have a passion for making things.





DustinHerbisonDustin Herbison: I am a Technology Teacher candidate at UBC. I have a Communication and Business degree from the University of Ottawa. I have a background in automotive and coaching sports. Like Duncan, I am passionate about hands-on work and the associates benefits.