Faculty Experience Quotes

Faculty of Education instructors share quotes about their experiences working with ETS and incorporating learning technologies into their online teaching!

Anna anchor

I am so grateful for our team of expert colleagues in ETS for their consistent support! Special thanks to Faeyza Mufti for her professionalism and dedication as I have explored new tools and technologies for my online courses.


–Dr. Anna Dong, Lecturer, Department of Language and Literacy Education

Joe anchor

It has been wonderful to work with PDCE/ETS team members, and their work on my courses has allowed me to have a successful experience teaching online – the first time I have ever taught in this way.


–Dr. Joseph Lucyshyn, Associate Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education

Janka anchor

Even though, throughout this Covid 19 crisis we are all isolated, I have never felt closer to the KIN team. With the support of the ETS workshops, I have really had a chance to feel the connection and support, with the rest of the KIN team and the Education Faculty. The training has given me the confidence to use the different teaching tools that are available in Canvas that I would have not known about had I not attended the various training sessions.


–Dr. Janka Samuhel-Corewyn, Sessional Instructor for the School of Kinesiology

Teresa anchor

I am truly impressed with the calibre and professionalism of the ETS team.


–Dr. Teresa Dobson, Professor, Department of Language and Literacy Education + Master of Educational Technology

Gerald anchor

Thanks again to you (Helen Dewaard, Learning Designer) and your team for providing such a high quality support!


–Dr. Gerald Fallon, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies

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