As faculty members within the Faculty of Education you can access free certificate versions of the courses listed below.
For more information about each course and enrolment, click on the ‘Learn More’ button.

Historical, Systemic and Intersectional Anti-racism: From Awareness to Action
This course will cover and uncover implicit and explicit forms of historic, systemic and institutional racisms and their colonial and intersectional impacts on marginalized peoples and their communities in the past and in contemporary times.

Learn Mental Health Literacy
Developed by education and mental health professionals, this 7-module course (8 to 10 hours) will provide you with a foundation of mental health literacy, including effective strategies to use in your educational settings and in your own life.

Teach Mental Health Literacy
This course has been designed for educators working with students in ages 12 to 19. educators will learn how to apply this classroom-ready, web-based, modular mental health curriculum resource as well as develop their own mental health literacy.

Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education
This course will help you envision how Indigenous histories, perspectives, worldviews, and approaches to learning can be made part of the work done in classrooms, organizations, communities, and in everyday experiences in ways that are thoughtful and respectful.

Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society
This course will teach you to better understand and apply knowledge about gender and sexuality — a critical first step in addressing social, economic and cultural inequalities. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to engage with key issues through key concepts and perspectives.