Land Based Learning

“How can we take a land-based course and make it suitable for online or remote teaching? The answer to that question was equally obvious. We could not. Land-based education is, at its core, learning from the land. There is no substitute for that experience, and no way to replicate it online. We could, however, search for ways to modify, adjust, accommodate or replace teaching and learning activities we had used in the past to reach or at least approach some of the pedagogical goals of our land-based curriculum”                        

                                                                                                                             (Wilson, 2021)

Connecting with the Five Rs

  • Relevance: How is this learning relevant to the land you are situated in?

  • Respect: How is this learning holding reverence towards land and waters?

  • Reciprocity: How is this learning upholding the principal to give back what we take from the land?

  • Responsibility: How is this learning holding us accountable and deepening our understanding of why we must and how we can protect the land?

  • Relationships: How will this learning provide opportunities to engage and cultivate relations with the land regardless of being in an online setting?