Managing Classroom Culture and Community in Online Learning

Viewpoints Discussion Series

Managing Classroom Culture and Community in Online Learning


Dr. Nancy Perry, Professor, ECPS
Steven Secord, Instructor, Faculty of Education, Lakehead University, Orillia, Ontario
Justine Johal, Vice principal Hyland Elementary in the Surrey School District (UBC BEd’15 and Masters student)


Helen DeWaard, Learning Designer, ETS
Yvonne Dawydiak, Manager, Learning Design, Teacher Education

Join us for our third event in the Viewpoints discussion series.

Classroom management and building a respectful community culture in a virtual environment can be approached in different ways. Some may feel there is no need to manage the online environment, others find it harder with the many tools of distraction and options for private conversations, while others find new ways to oversee the learning community. Come share your viewpoints on building a respectful classroom community and managing how the classroom looks, feels, and sounds when teaching online and within digitally-enabled learning spaces.

Visit the topic page for this session on the Viewpoints website!