Technology in Transit — Edmodo

Edmodo was March’s technology of the month, an online networking application for teachers and students that can be used to collaborate, share digital content and access homework, grades, class discussions, and notifications from your computer or phone. Edmodo is primarily a tool for within-class communication, making it ideal to cultivate a peer-learning and peer-support environment both in the classroom and online.

Using the app and the browser version in his computer, Presenter David Gwilliam showcased how he uses the platform in his inquiry project with his grade 7 I.B. practicum clasroom to present information, materials and instructions and to build an online learning conversation with his class. Students in Edmodo can post messages to their teachers, or to their entire Edmodo group, but teachers maintain full control of their Edmodo groups and can delete posts, monitor all activity, review student posts before they go live. Gwilliam also demonstrated how the website can be used to post homework information, write short summaries of lessons for students who were absent, place digital resources for students to access and download and to create polls for students to vote online.


Our featured student this month was David Gwilliam from the Faculty of Education.

David Gwilliam
Locally born and raised in Vancouver, David has spent the majority of his professional academic life at the University of British Columbia pursuing his undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Arts attaining a double major in the English language and Sociology. A return to UBC saw David venture into the world of real estate and property management through the Sauder School of Business. David is now invested in developing his practice of educating the middle years level with a specialized focus on the International Baccalaureate program and studies in the English language from grades K-12.With such a great group of fellow TC’s to work and learn with, David actively sought inclusion in the Education Students’ Association and has been elected President for 2015/16.