Event Information
Event Description
If you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to make a keyboard out of bananas, learn how to 3D print a miniature version of your favourite sculpture, or find out how to make your old robot vacuum into an abstract expressionist painter, then you might be interested in attending the UBC Centennial Maker Faire.
Even if you haven’t casually pondered how to hack your refrigerator, other folks certainly have and they make up a vibrant and creative community of hobbyists, tinkerers, creators, tech enthusiasts and other Do-It-Yourself-ers. Collectively known as makers, they are pushing the boundaries of new technologies, repurposing old ones, and delighting us with their seemingly limitless creativity along the way.
The UBC Centennial Maker Faire is a showcase of innovative and creative projects from the various UBC maker communities around campus. Taking place on April 7th, 2016, the faire offers a venue for makers to showcase their projects, engage with others and provide insight into their creative processes. Learn what it took to bring their visions to life and the driving forces that make them tick.
If there’s one event that you should visit during the centennial celebrations, this one promises to be stimulating, creatively inspiring and ultimately a fascinating experience all around. For more information, contact us by email at ets.educ@ubc.ca or by phone at 604-822-6333.
Photo Gallery
UBC Solar (http://www.ubcsolar.com)
UBC Solar is a solar car racing team. They build full-scale electric vehicles powered by solar panels built into the surface of the car, designed for competitive races against teams from other universities. Their first generation vehicle is currently under construction, and the team plans to enter this vehicle in the 2016 American Solar Challenge.
Solar racing is an exciting pursuit that pushes the boundaries of alternative energy and efficient vehicles. Races have been held on an international scale since 1985 and can involve thousands of kilometres of highway driving at speeds in excess of 100kph, all powered directly by the sun.
Open Robotics (http://www.openrobotics.ca)
We are a team focused on building skills relating to robotics and sharing knowledge using an open source philosophy, with the goal of competing in the @home competition in 2017 or 2018. This competition involves creating an autonomous home assistance robot that can respond to commands and navigate unfamiliar environments without outside assistance. On our journey to the competition we are learning about real-time systems, electromechanical devices, computer vision, and many more technologies, all while growing a dynamic and enthusiastic team.
UBC Physics and Astronomy Outreach Program (http://outreach.phas.ubc.ca/)
The UBC Physics & Astronomy Outreach Program offers a wide range of activities, from summer camps, science competitions, to teacher workshops and public lectures. Our goal is to communicate the excitement and wonder of physics and astronomy, and its relevance to global issues and our everyday lives.
At the Outreach program table, we will showcase cool small circuit projects you can do at home with some wires, a motor, and a battery. Play with the LED flash light, a mini Theremin, and the digital 7-segment display – all built on top of a breadboard (no, it is not made of bread!!). And, try out the circuit scribe pen to draw your own circuit!
How We Learn (HWL) Lab (https://blogs.ubc.ca/howwelearn)
We are a research team consisting of faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students from the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education. The key objectives of the HWL team include: 1) the empirical and conceptual investigation of how media and technology are in-interaction-with learning across the lifespan; and 2) the development of theories and methods for studying these processes.
At our HWL education table we invite you to hack your smartphone into a mini 3D hologram projector! Experience google cardboard virtual reality and explore the best apps for teaching programming and coding (grades K-12).
AMS Knitting and Sewing Club (http://knittingsewingatubc.blogspot.ca/)
The AMS Knitting and Sewing club will provide a fun and creative environment where knitters, sewers and crocheters alike can gather and share the joys of the craft. Students involved in the thread arts, or who are interested in learning about these amazing hobbies, can meet new people and find others who also wish to learn about knitting, sewing, or other arts.
UBC Library (http://www.library.ubc.ca)
Not only does UBC Library have some great books on makerspaces, but also it also loans resources that support makerspace activities. The Education and Woodward branches will have Squishy Circuit kits and Arduino kits for participants to try out, and Technical Services will demonstrate book binding and repair techniques and tools.
Faculty of Applied Science (http://www.apsc.ubc.ca/)
UBC Applied Science provides students with extraordinary learning opportunities in the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the School of Community and Regional Planning, the School of Nursing, and engineering at the Vancouver campus and the UBC Okanagan School of Engineering. Course content is amplified through lectures, in cutting-edge laboratory facilities, in team-based projects, through early design experience, and through co-op.
Geering Up UBC Engineering & Science for Kids (http://www.geeringup.apsc.ubc.ca/)
Geering Up UBC Engineering & Science for Kids is a non-profit organization with the mandate of promoting science, engineering and technology to youth across British Columbia. Affiliated with the University of British Columbia, Geering Up is designed, organized and operated by UBC students. We endeavour to show program participants how fun, exciting and useful engineering and science can be.